Exhibition Archive - Akim Monet Curatorial 2011-2023
Berlin (2011-2018): Mythology & Science (Fall 2017 & Spring 2018): Mythology & Science

Mythology & Science ,
April 27 to july 7, 2018
The four themes in this exhibition addressed some of the most important human endeavors that for the first time in our history give us the power to determine the future of our species.
Please click here for the fully illustrated catalogue.
- Dallas (2022-)
- Los Angeles (2019-2021)
- Berlin (2011-2018)
- Mythology & Science (Fall 2017 & Spring 2018)
- Curses, Blasphemies, Lamentations: Goya & Rodin (Spring 2017)
- Homage to Auguste Rodin (Winter 2017)
- Der Kandidat (Fall 2016)
- Bridge over chaos (Spring 2016)
- "1932" Rare Photographs by George Grosz (Winter 2016)
- Musee Rodin Artgeneve (Winter 2016)
- Rodin Rilke Beuys (Fall 2015)
- Auguste Rodin: an expressionist eye (Spring 2015)
- The Animals' Conference (Fall 2014 & Winter 2015)
- The Hand of God (Spring 2014)
- Women (winter 2014)
- Dance of the seven veils (Fall 2013)
- Abdulnasser Gharem (Spring 2013)
- Kirchner - De Kooning (Winter 2013)
- Sex is kicking death (Fall 2012)
- The Sacred Heart (Spring 2012)
- The Concrete & the Mystical (Winter 2012)
- Fertility (Fall 2011)
- Installations views
- Mythology & Science
- Curses, Blasphemies, Lamentations: Goya & Rodin
- Homage to Auguste Rodin
- Der Kandidat
- Bridge over chaos
- "1932" Rare Photographs by George Grosz
- Rodin Rilke Beuys
- Auguste Rodin: an expressionist eye
- The Animals' Conference
- The Hand of God
- Women
- Dance of the seven veils
- Abdulnasser Gharem
- Kirchner - De Kooning
- Sex is kicking death
- The Sacred Heart
- The Concrete & the Mystical
- Fertility
- Berlin exhibition program
- Musée Rodin Partnership (external)
- Akim Monet Fine Arts (external)
- Videos
- Press
- Publications - Texts - Press releases
- Publications
- Texts & Press releases
- Wings of Desire (Press release)
- Of Mice & Men (Press release)
- Open letter to Donald Trump (Letter)
- Disruptive selection (Press release)
- Goodbye Berlin, hello Los Angeles (Letter)
- Mythology & Science (Press release)
- Curses, Blasphemies, Lamentations: Goya & Rodin (Press release)
- Homage à Auguste Rodin (Press release)
- Der Kandidat (Press release)
- Bridge over chaos (Press release)
- Bridge over chaos (Exhibition notes)
- Bridge over chaos (Listof works)
- "1932" Rare Photographs by George Grosz (Press release)
- Musée Rodin at Artgeneve2016 (Press release)
- Rodin Rilke Beuys (Press release)
- Auguste Rodin: an expressionist eye (Press release)
- The Animals' Conference (Press release)
- Hand of God (Press release)
- Dance of the seven veils (Press release)
- Gharem in London: Fall 2013 (Press release)
- Gharem in Venice: Summer 2013 (Interview)
- Gharem in Berlin: Spring 2013 (Press release)
- Sacred Heart Interview
- Fertility essay
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