Berlin (2011-2018): Rodin Rilke Beuys (Fall 2015): Rainer Maria RILKE

In this poet's verses there were passages, standing out prominently, that did not seem to have been written but moulded; words and groups of words that had melted under the glowing touch of the poet; lines that were like reliefs and sonnets that carried like columns with interlaced capitals the burden of a cumulating thought.  Rainer Maria Rilke, Auguste Rodin, translated by Jessie Lamont and Hans Trausil  (New York, Sunwise Turn Inc., 1919)
Rainer Maria RILKE, 1902


In this poet's verses there were passages, standing out prominently, that did not seem to have been written but moulded; words and groups of words that had melted under the glowing touch of the poet; lines that were like reliefs and sonnets that carried like columns with interlaced capitals the burden of a cumulating thought.  

Rainer Maria Rilke, Auguste Rodin, translated by Jessie Lamont and Hans Trausil (New York, Sunwise Turn Inc., 1919)